
To win a man

Many women suffer of being alone. And it is not strange. There are so many women and so few men. And how much genuine men are there? Less and less. That’s why so many women live alone. And they really suffer of their being alone, because they want to find the one and only man. Loving man. Those women who were happy to get married, they rather often divorce their husbands. There are many reasons why it happens.
In the process of divorce both partners blame each other. They say it is entirely your fault, not mine… But the situations differ. Sometimes it is his fault, sometimes hers, and in most cases it is his and her fault at the same time. And they begin to live separately. She lives alone. She gives herself up to her work and child and suffers of being alone. Years pass – the first year, the second… She is so pretty, intelligent, she likes to cook and makes her house comfortable, but she is not happy. There is no personal happiness in her life. She wants to love and to be loved. She wants this very much. And she doesn’t want to look at those men who already have wives; because she is a serious woman and she wants serious relations.
A woman looks around her and understands that there are many men who are unworthy of her attention. Some of them like alcohol, drugs or switched guys. The rest, and they are very few, they don’t know what they want in this life. And it is very difficult to find such type of men; they hide from women like mushrooms. Such men don’t like jolly crowds. They like their hobbies.
And what should do we – intelligent and beautiful women? Or we are condemned to loneliness? As a matter of fact we can hope that the situation is not so bad. Hold your head up! Smile! You do not need many man, do you? You need the only one who will make you happy. Only one who will divine your intentions and will wait for the same from you. Who will take care about you and about whom you will take care. But where she can find him?
The first thing you have to do – to change the thought way. Yes, and don’t be so skeptical to this advice. You don’t have to think: “I am so unhappy! I have no man!” You just have to begin thinking in such a way: “I am so happy! I have found my man!” You have to stop feeling sorry about yourself while thinking about yourself, while speaking with your friends and in your life at all. Doing so you will have the chance to find your man.
How can it happen? The matter is that when you begin to think about positive things these positive events begin to happen in your life. That what you are thinking about realizes in your life. You will be pleasantly surprised when men deserving your attention will appear in your life. And it will happen by itself. You will not believe that it happens. But it is not magic. The thought is a material thing. If you still don’t believe – just try!
The second that you need to do to win your man. Arrange everything at your house as if a man already lives with you. Let his toothbrush be at your bathroom together with your. Buy shaving mousse and some other men’s things. Let them be at your house. Soon you will present all these things to your man. In the evening when you go to bed, put a pillow for your beloved man near you. Imagine that your man is already with you. Let your imagination run away with him. Say tender words to your imaginary man; say “Good night” to him when you are going to fall asleep. When you will do this you will feel pacification or even passion. In the morning when you wake up you will feel that you already have your man and the next day you will behave in other way. You will see magic glitter in your eyes. Many people will notice this glitter and many men, of course, if they will be attentive. When a man sees such magic glitter in woman’s eyes he begins to shine himself and he feel drawn to this woman. This magic glitter in woman’s eyes work like a magnet for a man.
The third thing to become a happy woman is the following. When you want to find your man you have to escape those mistakes many women do. Those women who are looking for their men do mistakes because they don’t know what you will find out now. One of mistakes is that a woman tries to force relations. She has found more or less appropriate man and she at once forgets that a woman has to be weak. A woman is pushing forward like a tank on a site of a battle. But she doesn’t have to do it. It is necessary to give the possibility to make court to you to a man. If he decided to win you he will do certain steps to reach his goal and to win your attention. You don’t have to be afraid that he will be afraid and will escape. If he is a genuine man and is interested in you, he will be soon yours. Let him take the lead. Try not to attack him as if he was your victim or trophy. Be feminine and patient. And you will like the result. Use all your woman’s charm, looks, light make up; try to choose clothes tastefully. You have to arouse his interest not frighten him. Be a little naïve. Do not show your physical strength – do not carry heavy shopping bags. Show him that you are tired if you go a long distance. Let your man help you. Don’t be afraid to look into his eyes, especially at the very beginning of your relations. Show him that you are interested in him.
When he will see that you are looking at him then he will favour you. And if he will not? Don’t be upset about it! It is not your man! And if you feel that it is your man and you want to be with him and he is already makes court to you, try to make a distance and do not give way to him. You don’t have to wait for flowers and sweet stuff. Of course, you have seen such presents in beautiful movies. Every man has his own style of courtship behavior. Do not be in a hurry to shorten the distance between you and him and you will both feel strong desire.
You are a woman and don’t forget about it! Men want to win a woman!
Don’t forget about this and realize this mission with dignity and be happy!